Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Cloth LINGO for newbies

The terms used in the cloth diapering world can be somewhat confusing so I thought I would start a post that I will try to keep up to date so if you are new to cloth like all of us once were, you can find the info you need so your not so confused when shopping online!

Common Abbreviations:

AIO - All in One diaper

AI2 - All in Two diaper

AP - Attachment parenting

BF - Breastfeed

BTDT - Been there done that

BTW - By the way

CD - cloth diaper

Crunchy - Natural lifestyle

CPF - Chinese prefold

DSQ - Diaper service quality

DD- Dear Daughter

DH- Dear Husband
DS- Dear Son

EBF- Exclusively Breastfed

EC - Excellent condition

EUC - Excellent used condition

F&C - Free & Clear (used referring to detergents)

FLer - Front loader washing machine

FS - For sale

FSOT - For sale or trade

FYI - For your information

HE - High efficiency (when referring to washing machines)

Hyena - A term for hard to get, popular diapers that are stalked by diaper hungry moms

IPF - Indian Prefold

IMO - In my opinion

ISO - In search of

ITA - I totally agree

KWIM - Know what I mean

LMK - Let me know

LO - Little one

LOL - Laugh out loud

NAK - Nursing at Keyboard

OBC- Organic Bamboo Cotton

OBV- Organic Bamboo Velour

PUL - polyurethane laminate, a material used to make diaper covers/wraps

ROFLOL - rolling on the floor, laughing out loud

SAHM - stay-at-home mom

TLer - Top loader washing machine

WAHM - work-at-home mom

Diaper Brands Abbreviations:

BG - bumGenius

FM - Fluffy Mail

FMBG - Full Moon Baby Gear

FB - Fuzzi Bunz
GB- Glow Bug

GM- Goodmammas

HH - Happy Heiny's

LC - Little Caboose

ME - Motherease

GAD - Green Acre Designs

SEZ - Snap E-Z

Please ladies post comments of others I have missed, and other LINGO I need to add to the list. I would like to have this up to date for all people new to cloth diapering.

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